doc. MVDr. Norbert Žilka, DrSc.,: Antibodies are the perfect tool of the immune system. They ruthlessly chase down dangerous pathogens….
PhDr. Eva Kowalská, DrSc.: The decree of Queen Maria Theresa of August 20, 1776 started a fundamental transformation process in…
prof. RNDr. Peter Moczo, DrSc., Eva Rutšeková: What is surprising and instructive on the earthquake in Morocco? – article by…
The award of the Slovak Academy of Sciences for the results of scientific research for the year 2022 was also…
The President of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, Boris Kollár, presented the Jozef Miloslav Hurban state award to…
28.6. 2023 died at the age of 84 MUDr. Svorad Štolc DrSc., member of the Learned Society of Slovakia. Honor…